Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name EMMANUEL, which being interpreted is, God with us.

- Matthew 1:23 (KJV)

Evangelist Linda Poitier Knowles
Mrs. Linda P. Knowles was born and raised in the City of Deerfield Beach, FL. She is a founding member of Emmanuel Christian Center Ministries located in the city of Deerfield Beach, and serves with her husband Reverend Doctor Nathaniel B. Knowles, the Founder and Senior Pastor. Her professional career began as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) with the North Broward Hospital District, a title she still holds for now more than 35 years.
Evangelist Knowles first answered the call on her life as an anointed Praise and Worship leader. After answering the higher calling of God in her life, Evangelist Knowles began ministering the Word of God, with a special mandate to minister to hurting women. She also operates in the Prophetic as the Holy Spirit leads.
She is a Praise and Worship leader, President of the Ladies Ministry Department, and a member of the Pastor’s Executive Counsel.
Mrs. Knowles serves as the Program Coordinator for Emmanuel Human Services, Inc. (EHS), a Social Service agency which serves the community by mentoring youth and strengthening the family.
In 2004 she was honored by the Greater Deerfield Beach Chamber of Commerce as “Volunteer of the Year” in recognition for Community Service and in 2006 she received the Women in Religion Award for outstanding service in church and community from The Charmetts, Inc., Broward County Chapter. Mrs. Knowles holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology from The Jacksonville Theological Seminary. She is also a certified Christian and Family Counselor.
She speaks in conferences, conventions, workshops, and teaches leadership classes. She has spoken internationally in Canada, The Bahamas, St Thomas, USVI, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Mrs. Knowles currently resides in the city of Deerfield Beach, FL with her husband of more than 40 years, Dr. Nathaniel B. Knowles. She is the mother of two daughters, Jounice and Andrea, and grandmother of two grandchildren, Roderick and Beyoncé.
Mrs. Knowles is an encourager and believes that With God nothing shall be impossible.
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